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    Current DKP - Default Pool

    Last Raid Last 30 Last 60
    2017-02-23No RaidsNo Raids

    Item History

    Item Date Raid Name Event
    [Cloak of the Foreseen Conqueror] 2017-02-23The NightholdTrilliax
    [140825en]2017-02-23The NightholdKrosus
    [Whispers in the Dark] 2017-02-13The NightholdGul'dan
    [Gauntlets of the Foreseen Conqueror] 2017-02-01The NightholdStar Augur Etraeus
    [Radiant String of Scorpid Eyes] 2017-01-25The NightholdSkorpyron
    [Pharamere's Forbidden Grimoire] 2017-01-25The NightholdKrosus
    [Handwraps of Delusional Power] 2017-01-09The Esmerald NightmareDragons of Nightmare
    [Crimson Wool-Lined Slippers] 2017-01-04The Esmerald NightmareUrsoc
    [Fragment of Eternal Spite] 2017-01-04The Esmerald NightmareXavius
    [Hood of Darkened Visions] 2017-01-04The Esmerald NightmareXavius
    [Bough of Corruption] 2016-12-26The Esmerald NightmareXavius
    [142513en]2016-12-15Trial of ValorHelya

    Raid History

    Raid Name Raid Date
    The Nighthold2017-02-23
    The Nighthold2017-02-22
    The Nighthold2017-02-16
    The Nighthold2017-02-15
    The Nighthold2017-02-13
    The Nighthold2017-02-07
    The Nighthold2017-02-06
    The Nighthold2017-02-01
    The Nighthold2017-01-30
    The Nighthold2017-01-25
    The Nighthold2017-01-23
    The Nighthold2017-01-19
    The Esmerald Nightmare2017-01-16
    The Esmerald Nightmare2017-01-11
    The Esmerald Nightmare2017-01-09
    The Esmerald Nightmare2017-01-05
    The Esmerald Nightmare2017-01-04
    The Esmerald Nightmare2016-12-28
    The Esmerald Nightmare2016-12-26
    Trial of Valor2016-12-15
    The Esmerald Nightmare2016-12-14
    The Esmerald Nightmare2016-12-12
    The Esmerald Nightmare2016-12-08
    The Esmerald Nightmare2016-12-05
    The Esmerald Nightmare2016-12-01
    The Esmerald Nightmare2016-11-30
    Trial of Valor2016-11-28
    The Esmerald Nightmare2016-11-24

    View Signup Detail

    Attendance By Event

    Event Name Percentage
    Cenarius 0/0 (0%)
    Chronomatic Anomaly 0/0 (0%)
    Comulative Atendance 0/0 (0%)
    Dragons of Nightmare 0/0 (0%)
    Elerethe Renferal 0/0 (0%)
    Guarm 0/0 (0%)
    Gul'dan 0/0 (0%)
    Helya 0/0 (0%)
    Il'gynoth, Heart of Corruption 0/0 (0%)
    Krosus 0/0 (0%)
    Nythendra 0/0 (0%)
    Odyn 0/0 (0%)
    Skorpyron 0/0 (0%)
    Spellblade Aluriel 0/0 (0%)
    Star Augur Etraeus 0/0 (0%)
    Tichondrius 0/0 (0%)
    Trash mob 0/0 (0%)
    Trilliax 0/0 (0%)
    Ursoc 0/0 (0%)
    Xavius 0/0 (0%)

    No FB Yes FB Hand (smaller) Lap 40.063em Desk 64.063em Wall 90.063em